Wednesday, May 10, 2023

My Review of Superman And Lois 3x08: "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"


Written by Aaron Helbing
Directed by Gregory Smith

Lois (to Clark): "I think we put Lex Luthor in prison for a crime he didn't commit."

Well, you did and I guess this will be how Michael Cudlitz will make his debut as Lex Luthor. Right now, this show's future looks dicey given the CW are practically cancelling everything at this point, so with every remaining episode left, the show writers really need to make them count.

Last episode posed the possibility of Bruno and Peia having some good in them as people but this week served as a reminder that while the pair of them do genuinely love one another, they're still the villains of this season until Lex shows up for the final act. A fact that both Superman and Lois were reminded of, courtesy of events in the episode, past misdeeds unearthed and both Chrissy and John being the voices of reason here.

Then there's also Natalie and Matteo who are caught in the middle of the big family feuds this season. Can their relationship pull through in spite of the odds? It's hard to say but if John gets his way, then Natalie won't be with Matteo for any longer. I think John's reaction considering that both Bruno and Peia tried to murder him like they did his doppelganger was appropriate under the circumstances. Yeah, this teenage romance likely will be doomed.

On the other hand with Peia being at death's door and contained at the DOD as well as Lois, Clark and Chrissy piecing together that Mannheim framed Luthor for Moxie's death, then it looks like Bruno will be heading for a rather big downfall within the next episode or two. Lex's release was heavily telegraphed by the end of this one.

As for the rest of the episode, Jonathan nearly had his junior firefighter career derailed by Jordan's lack of discretion and the latter did strike a low blow too, which even Sarah had to point out. Plot wise though, it was one of the weaker elements of the episode but Jordan's recklessness was something I'm surprised that Sam hadn't spotted.

Speaking of Sam, when he wasn't helping Lois do further investigating into Bruno's activities, he was also meant to go on a coffee date, only to leave his date standing. Again, one of the weaker elements of the episode but I did like his conversation with Lana as she had her own dating problems this week. I'm also certain this was the first time these two characters have had a scene together but it was a good one.

- Even in prison, Lex was still making money from his Luthor Airlines, which Lois referenced after seeing one of his ads on TV.
- John and Darlene have clearly started to see each other as siblings despite the former being from a different Earth.
- Standout music: Mostly music from The Cure as Lana had tickets to one of their concerts. In the end, Sarah ended up going with her.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode more or less left off.

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner certainly added to the awkwardness and while there has been sympathy generated for the Mannheim family, there's no mistaking that they're still the baddies of the piece. Weaker than last week's episode but still solid stuff.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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