Thursday, May 11, 2023

My Review of Titans 4x12: "Titans Forever"


Written by Richard Hatem
Directed by Nick Copus

Kory (to Dick): "There's always an end."

Destiny can be a funny thing. Sometimes it's set with absolutely no wiggle room whatsoever and other times, it can be altered. Sebastian Sanger, fully embracing his Brother Blood persona was determined to change destiny. He almost did it. 

However like every other villain in the history of fiction, Sebastian gravely underestimated the very people he was going up against and it cost him big time. Of course, it did look like until nearly the last minute that he was going to succeed in his ambitious plan to take out both Earth and Tamaran in one fell swoop. Or more specifically, the Icarus Gate.

Yes, that thing that Kory kept seeing in previous episodes made it's appearance and it seemed that her blue energy was the very thing that Sebastian needed to power it up and go ahead with his wacky plan. Yes, it nearly worked but then all the Titans, including Conner who recovered at the right time in order to bring about Sebastian's much needed downfall.

Saying that this season has been hammering home that Kory had to be the one to end Sebastian at the risk of her own life and she made that sacrifice. Then we got that lovely Christmas scene and Kory ended up being alive altogether. I think every fan who had an emotional vestment in Kory throughout the four seasons was happy to see her live here, myself included. I'm really glad she made it out of the series alive.

Not only that but Kory and Dick finally got together and it actually felt earned. I mean the show always was signposting them as an endgame couple and they delivered on that front. The way this episode ended for both characters was a great ending. It felt right for both characters and it felt earned to but of course, it wasn't just their endings that worked.

For all the writing problems this show has had, I actually do think every main character this season got the right ending. Conner got to finally meet Superman and learn to fly (though he needs to get the hang of it) while keeping LexCorp. Gar went into the Red, which was inevitable while Rachel went to college in Bludhaven and Tim got to be Robin in both Gotham and Metropolis and got to continue his romance with Bernard. All of these developments felt right and made sense for every character. Not to mention Krypto being the best too.

- Superman was a body double and we just saw his feet but at least Conner now has a relationship with his other dad.
- I'm surprised we didn't get a few more cameos in this finale but there was some archive clips when Rachel was trying to free Kory.
- Standout music: Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel during that last scene with Dick and Kory. 
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Titans Forever managed to stick the landing as a series finale and for a show that often had inconsistent writing, I'm really happy this delivered. Sebastian got a good comeuppance, the world didn't end and all our main players got the best outcomes. Your move, Doom Patrol.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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