Saturday, October 14, 2023

My Review of Doom Patrol's 4x07: "Orqwith Patrol"


Written by Tamara Becher-Wilkinson And Bob Barth 
Directed by Bosede Williams

Rita: "There could be anything on the other side of this."
Laura: "Our friends are on the other side."

It's been far too long since the first half of this final season had aired and with scant promotion, there's a feeling of (HBO) Max just getting it out of the way. A shame, because I am going to miss this show.

Since we last left off, the majority of our main players (and Derek) were stranded on Orqwith. Every main player minus Cliff had lost their longevity and Wally Sage was a problem connected to Immortus. Caught up now? 

Now we got an episode with three connecting plots. First of all there's Rita and Laura who managed to escape the Ant Farm. For a brief moment, it appeared as though Rita and Laura were going to take a step backwards in their improving relationship. Then they banded together, got drunk and made their way to Orqwith to save the day. Mixed results there.

Then there was Jane and Cliff. The latter being tempted by Wally to surrender his longevity and caving in with the former doing her best to stop him. At least ast Jane did try her best.

As for Victor and Derek, both got some badass moments while the former also gave a real account about his time as Cyborg. Larry on the other hand seemed determined to remain in Orqwith in order to be a better parent to Keeg.

Of course it's the arrival of Dorothy and Casey where Wally's big prophecy came into effect and Immortus arrived in the shape of Isobel Feathers. Rita wasn't the only one surprised by that outcome.

- Laura wasn't wrong about Rita being a serial killer. Let's say this episode certainly gave shippers more to enjoy with the pair.
- The farting donkey from the first season was called Peanut Butter.
- Rama was a no show here. Hope he's back soon.
- Chronology: Not long from where the last episode left off.

Orqwith Patrol was a little bit shorter than expected but made for a solid mid season opener. The Rita and Laura scenes were the biggest highlight though. 

Rating: 8 out of 10

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