Saturday, October 14, 2023

My Review of Jason X (2001)


Written by Todd Farmer
Directed by Jim Isaac

Brodski: "What's going on?"
Rowan: "Jason fucking Voorhees. That's what's going on."

In the last two movies, both New York and Hell were the main setting or should've been as neither were utilised for a plethora of reasons. Can this venture into space buck the missed opportunity trend? Kind of, but there's still enough to disappoint along the way.

We open with a slight jump into the future considering this movie's release where the only smart person in the room, Rowan LaFontaine (Lexa Doig) has to remind every other idiot in there not to fuck around with Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder). They don't listen, Rowan gets stabbed and both her and Jason wind up frozen.

Then we cut to over 400 years later and the Earth is inhabitable. However there's an Earth II and we're on a crew ship where you guessed it, both Rowan and Jason wake up. Rowan also learned that 400+ years into the future and there scientists daft enough to still think they can mess around with Jason without consequences. Some lessons clearly don't get passed.

Not only does Rowan and this mostly incompetent crew (minus an android named KM14, played by Lisa Ryder) have to deal with Jason but they have to also deal with a cyborg version of the character. Yup, two Jasons for the price of one movie here. Sort of. 

Anyways it's mostly a fight to deal between the crew and Cyborg Jason with a hologram harkening back to the latter's days at Crystal Lake provided enough of a means to defeat him this time. Saying that, Jason's never truly gone as the ending for this one indicated yet again.

- This franchise seems to have some of the dullest romance subplots with KM14 and Tsunaron (Chuck Campbell) being painfully yawn inducing.
- Both Peter Mensah (Brodski) and David Cronenberg (Dr Wimmer) are very much wasted here.
- While this movie actually flopped theatrically, it did make money through physical releases.
- Chronology: We start in 2008 while the majority of the movie takes place in 2455.

Jason X isn't quite as horrible as I expected it to be and that's largely down to Lexa Doig giving a good performance as Rowan and the movie making decent use of it's environment. Still though, it's a bit of messy with a largely poor supporting cast. 

Rating: 6 out of 10 

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