Rebecca Ferguson - She's the only one in the competition that I would like to see win the thing and she's been the most consistent throughout the whole show as well. If she doesn't win, then I hope she's at least in the final three next week.

Rebecca Ferguson - She's the only one in the competition that I would like to see win the thing and she's been the most consistent throughout the whole show as well. If she doesn't win, then I hope she's at least in the final three next week.
Glee - The last two episodes have certainly been interesting. The first one with Gwyneth Paltrow's Holly Holliday was a lot of fun and to be honest, auto-tuned or not, I did enjoy the mash-up of Umbrella/Singing In The Rain as well as Sue's pretty ruthless attempts of becoming principal, only to jack it in protest of Kurt being victimised by Karofsky in the next episode. It's nice that in the midst of Burt and Carole's wedding that the Glee club, Will and Sue finally stepped in trying to deal with Karofsky, even it backfired somehow. As for Sue's own wedding - um, weird but I did like seeing her mother and while it's nice to see more of Blaine and have Kurt transferred to Dalton, I only hope that Mercedes is due a storyline soon because protesting about tator tots is not good enough to be honest.
Merlin - I love this show, I honestly do and while I loved this episode, this show really needs to step up a gear. Tournaments aren't that exciting anymore and apart from the fact that Gilli wasn't a baddie and made some perceptive comments to Merlin about concealing his magic, this wasn't an episode that progressed much to be honest. Still though, the finale starts this weekend and that does look genuinely exciting.
Notice in the first picture two very interesting things - one that Amy is fleeing from the FBI and two, that she's got some interesting marks on her arms not that dissimilar to the ones that River had been branding on hers for earlier shots of this story. According to Piers Wenger, this story is going to be something of a love letter to America and while the filming was in place in Utah, expect scenes in New York, San Francisco and Washington as well.
The Doctor, Rory and River in a particular scene together and it's nice to see that if Amy's wearing plaid, then Rory's wearing some shorts as exchange. I guess with the FBI look, River might be working for Canton (Mark Shephard) and his cronies again. Other casting for this two parter includes Dtuart Milligan, Marnix van den Broeke, Chuk Iwuji, Mark Griffin, Kerry Shale, Glenn Wrage, Jeff Mash, Sydney Wade, Tommy Campbell, Peter Banks, Nancy Baldwin, Kieran O'Connor, Alex Giannini, Adam Napier, Henrietta Clemett, Paul Critoph, Ricky Fearon and Emilio Aquino, according to DWM.
Lip Service - Pretty interesting finale. I'm not gonna lie that I didn't see Cat/Frankie happening because it was pretty obvious that was going to go there and it'll be interesting to see if Cat does choose her ex-girlfriend over Sam. I did also like Frankie's mystery being resolved and it was nice to see Tess sort out her friendship with Ed, get a good acting gig and spark up a relationship with Finn. Pun intended. Hoping this series returns for a second run.
Doctor Who - Last night, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan and Matt Smith were there to put on the Christmas lights in Cardiff but from November 17th-19th, they'll be in Utah along with Alex Kingston to film for the season opener of Series 6. Other spoilers from Moffat have surfaced in NyMag in regards to River's identity being revealed. It's also been mentioned on Gallifreybase that Amy will learn something about River in the opening episode that she won't be able to tell the Doctor. Closer to that, Children In Need on November 19th will give fans a teaser for the Christmas special, which means a title should be pretty imminent as well. EDIT: The episode will be called A Christmas Carol. I'm smiling because of that.
- Episodes 6-10 have the titles of Never Been Kissed, The Substitute, Furt, Special Education and Sue The Grinch.
- Kurt will be spying on new rivals for Sectionals - the Dalton boys, where he meets Blaine. Blaine and his guys perform Teenage Dreams. There's a possibility that Kurt might be transferring to Dalton as well. This is a mash-up episode as well with the boys doing Stop In The Name Of Love/Free Your Mind and the girls performing Livin On A Prayer/Start Me Up.
- Both Finn and Sam will come up with an unusual method of relieving tension while Puck uses Artie as a pet project of sorts and if not this episode, a later one will feature a spin the bottle game amongst the Glee clubbers.
- Gwyneth Paltrow's character Holly Holiday is scheduled for two episodes to replace a sick Will and she'll be doing a Singing In The Rain/Umbrella mash-up. Sue also temporarily replaces Figgins as principal whilst dealing with the arrival of her Nazi hunting mother and yes, they get a musical moment together.
- Kurt will go into wedding planner mode when Burt and Carole get married. The Glee club are also involved in this storyline as is Sue for some reason.
- There will be flashbacks to some of the kids when they were much younger.
Lip Service - Terrific fourth episode. Okay, I might not find Frankie the most likeable of people but she certainly keeps things interesting to a degree. Not only did she nearly get arrested for trashing a house with Sadie and sleeping with Jay at the end of the episode but her search for her past is starting to cause problems for Sam and Cat as well. Speaking of them, I cringed a little when Sam had to meet her girlfriend's parents. I think I could go a healthy stretch without seeing Cat's mother to be honest. As for Tess, the internet being a disaster storyline was cliched but amusing enough. I still think in spite of Lou's douchey behaviour that she'll end up going back to Tess. Dating Tom the prick can't be doing her the world of good and Lou is preferable to Ed getting with Tess. I like him but I'd rather that him and Tess didn't get it on if that's possible.