Over the weekend, a slightly grainy version of the Series 7 of
Doctor Who was released but it's Monday and a HQ one has finally surfaced. Some of the highlights seem to be ...

Is it me or does it look like Chris Chibnall's episode is going to be something of an Egyptian themed one? Some of the robots that also seem to be in the episode remind me of ones that were used in
The Sarah Jane Adventures back in 2010.

Ben Browder seems to be the Sheriff of Toby Whithouse's story and it's the first of two American based episodes we're getting in the first half of this series. Amy might be critical of the Doctor taking stupid lessons but her handling of a gun is surprisingly terrible after last season. Also the Reckoner seems like a very interesting villainous character as well and I swear that saloon girl looks like River (but it isn't).

Another episode, another moment for Amy and now Rupert Graves character to start brandishing some guns for desired effect. I hope Amy's gun skills in this one are good compared to the third episode of this upcoming series.
The Doctor, Rory and Brian Williams looking at some robots. Is Mark Williams playing Rory's father? Please let it be true. I want to see someone from Rory's family before the fifth episode of this series airs and the Ponds are no more and he's perfect casting as well.

A Dalek in the snowy tundra and the Doctor spotting it. This could be some extra footage filmed with the intention of it being added to the first episode (where the Daleks return) or maybe they make another appearance in the third episode? Either way, I can't wait to see what Moffat plans to do with them this series. Oh and unrelated but Matt, Karen and Arthur will be attending this year's
Comic Con as well.
Series 7 HQ Trailer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/news/bulletin_120326_01/First_Preview_of_the_New_SeriesSeries 7 of Doctor Who will air in late 2012/early 2013.
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