Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Wonder Woman - Episodes 52-55 Reviews

My penultimate blog for this show and the episode have rich recluses,video dating, a human jinx and the start of an invasion two parter.

Episode 52: The Richest Man In The World

Reclusive rich people were the order of the day, especially Marshall Henshaw (Richard Slate), whose elusiveness nearly lost him his own business along with some backstabbing partners. Fortunately he seemed to have had a protege in Barney (Barry Miller) who wanted to help him along with Wonder Woman. Fans of the Shazam TV show will recognise Miller as Mike from that show. 7/10

Episode 53: A Date With Doomsday 

Video dating being a central plot to this episode certainly made for a fun time. Yes, it became so central that even Diana had to try and go undercover as a lonely singleton, much to the disbelief of the baddies using the set up for their bigger scheme. Steve got a little bit more to do in this episode and Wonder Woman had another costume variation in an overall very enjoyable episode. 8/10

Episode 54: The Girl With The Gift For Disaster

From video dating scheming to a human jinx. This episode had the  unfortunate Meg (Jane Actman) having her jinx like powers being exploited by the worst people, including her boyfriend, Mark (James Sloyan). He won't be winning boyfriend of the year anytime soon but at least by the end of the episode, Meg's luck changed for the better. Did the show really hook her up with Steve in that last scene? 7/10

Episode 55: The Boy Who Knew Her Secret: Part 1

I've tried to avoid splitting the two parters into separate blogs but getting to the end, it looks like I'd have to split this one. Anyways you've got the boy in question being a teenager named Skip (Clark Brandon) being the only one in his small town not being taken over by aliens and the possessive pyramids. Wonder Woman herself almost fell victim to possession and there's a good cliffhanger moment to lead into the next part. 8/10

My last blog will conclude The Boy Who Knew Her Secret as well as the episodes The Man Who Could Not Die and Phantom Of The Roller Coaster Parts 1 and 2. 

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