Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Review of My Adventures With Superman 2x06: "The Machine Who Would Be Empire"


Written by M. Willis 
Directed by Jen Bennett 

Brainiac (to Superman): "Please.  Let me show you my Krypton."

Last week we left off with a very hostile Supergirl kidnapping Superman. This week, he's woken up on a spaceship and wasn't best pleased with being taken off world. He almost escaped but then Kara mentioned other Kryptonians being alive. That alone kept him around his cousin.

Yeah, this episode was something of a bonding experience for Clark and Kara. The latter was convinced that being on Earth had made Kal-El too soft but as the episode unfolded, it was clear that Kara herself was also being influenced by a planet she was mistrusting of. That was something that Clark found highly amusing.

Of course the biggest takeaway was Kara keeping souvenirs from some of the world's she had visited with the Krytonian Empire and seeing Thanagar in ruins gave Kara a bit of a harsh wake up call. It also naturally caused Superman to be suspicious when he realised that the father Kara was referring to wasn't his uncle either.

Yes, Brainiac was revealed to be Kara's "father" and he wasn't best pleased with her veering off his mission from her. He also tried to get Superman on side by showing him his Krypton, which didn't totally succeed. When he couldn't get Superman to agree with him, Brainiac didn't hold back revealing his true nature. In fact, Brainiac was a bit too quick to play his villainous hand.

On the plus side while this episode might have had Superman remain a prisoner of Braniac, at least Kara broke free of his influence and managed to escape. Then the episode ended with her bumping into Lois and Jimmy. Now they just need to get Superman away from Brainiac.

- Superman found out pretty fast that Kara has a crush on Jimmy. The latter will be pleased given their scenes from last week.
- Superman learned from Brainiac that his mother name was Lara. Kara couldn't even remember her own father's name.
- I did find it amusing how long it took Superman to realise that he didn't need a helmet in order to breathe in outer space.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

I wasn't keen on last week's episode but The Machine Who Would Be Empire was definitely a step up. Brainiac might have played his hand too quickly but I enjoyed his presence while the bonding scenes with Superman and soon to be Supergirl were done well.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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