Sunday, June 09, 2024

My Review of My Adventures With Superman 2x04: "Two Lanes Diverged"


Written by Sari Cooper
Directed by Diana Huh

Lois (to General Lane): "All you've ever wanted was for me to make it on my own. Okay, Dad, you win. I'll make it without you."

Okay, then. We got an episode where Lois and Sam Lane's relationship was put through the ringer. A good look into the father/daughter dynamic that's been fairly messy on this show. 

In flashbacks we had Sam training Lois to train herself and locate the North Star. It took Lois a bit to learn that while also venting her frustration over various issues. Notably her mother's illness and constantly losing friends by constantly having to move with Sam's job. Sam didn't exactly help matters either.

In the present day, both Lois and Sam were betrayed by Winslow Schott and nearly killed by Deathstroke and various Task Force X agents. Yet they managed to survive and hashed out some issues while Sam also moved in with Lois. Given that he was putting both Clark and Jimmy on edge, he won't be missed by either.

Speaking of Jimmy, the B plot of the episode had the Flamebird superstar schmoozing at a STAR Labs do where his own loyalty to Superman was tested. Let's just the newly out and about Lex Luthor was doing his best to undermine Superman throughout the event and things got awkward between Superman and his best pal.

As for the last scenes of the episode, there was Superman trying to contact Kara while Lex and Waller's own victories could be undermined by the arrival of the Nemesis Omega. Yeah, the latter two might have gloated a bit too soon about gaining the upper hand.

- We didn't get any pick up on Lois potentially going to the Gotham Gazaette but it seems like Lucy doesn't exist in this continuity.
- Sam knows there's something not quite right with Clark but still hasn't clocked on to him being Superman. It does feel like he's going to become privy soon.
- Lex certainly had no problem reminding Jimmy of the confidence boost the latter gave him in the first episode.
- Chronology: Not long from where the last episode left off.

For the most part, I thought Two Lanes Diverged was rather good. Not as good as earlier episodes but things are still moving in the right direction. We're getting that Superman/Lex rivalry and Supergirl's on the way. That's good going.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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