Sunday, July 21, 2024

Wonder Woman - Episodes 4-8 Reviews

In this blog I tackle the first two part story, a brainwashed gorilla, an Irish terrorist and of course, the danger of a two dollar bill.

Episode 4: The Feminum Mystique: Part 1

It's early season and already, it was time to have a return to Paradise Island. Mostly for the recasting of Hippolyta, this time played by Carolyn Jones and even more so for the introduction of Diana's younger sister, Drusilla (Debra Winger). Drusilla's been tasked with Diana back to Paradise Island but the reunion between sisters took something of a different turn. Mostly down to the presence of scientist Peter (Frank Charles), whom Drusilla took a shine towards. Of course when General Blankenship got kidnapped by main baddie of the two parter, Captain Radl (John Saxon), we got Drusilla take her older sister's example and become Wonder Girl.  It's a pity that Wonder Girl ended up being easily captured on her first mission. Plus side, we did get to see the reverse of Diana's transformation and Etta had a nice scene about being lonely. 8/10

Episode 5: The Feminum Mystique: Part 2

The second part of this story and when the Nazis hadn't figured out about the fakery behind the XPJ-1 fighter jet, there was also Steve getting knocked out by yet another mole in Washington DC. Of course the best scenes of the episode involved Paradise Island. Drusilla got duped into admitting that the island existed and about a previous metal named Feminum as well. It didn't take long for the Nazis to end up on the island, enslave the Amazons (Diana included) but grossly underestimating Hippolyta ended up being Radl's undoing and I liked seeing the more assertive Amazon's working together to get back their island and wipe the Nazis memories of its existence. As a two parter, I enjoyed this one. Drusilla's introduction was great and I liked the sisterly rapport with both her and Diana. 8/10

Episode 6: Wonder Woman vs. Gargantua

Loosely based on the idea of popular villain Giganta (but not actually featuring the character), this was an interesting gamble of an episode. You've got the titular character, Gargantua, taken from his home in Africa and brainwashed by Nazi agent and animal behavioural specialist, Erica Belgard (Gretchen Corbett). There was an attempt to capture a defected agent and also poor Gargantua being used in order to defeat Wonder Woman. Fortunately, this episode was where Diana's compassion for animals came nicely into play as she was able to break the brainwashing of Gargantua. On paper, this could've been a very silly episode but it actually managed to ground itself well enough with Erica being a pretty despicable guest baddie and Gargantua being sympathetic even when nearly killing Wonder Woman. Robert Loggia also appeared in this episode as Hans Eichler. 7/10

Episode 7: The Pluto File

Potentially the weakest of the bunch, we took a break from Nazis, only to have an Irish terrorist, dubbed "The Falcon" (Robert Reed). The Falcon's main mission involved stealing a formula designed to produce man-made earthquakes in order to level Washington, DC. This also means Wonder Woman working with the formula's inventor in order to stop The Falcon. Another plot included many characters getting infected by the bubonic plague and this was where The Falcon suddenly developed a conscience. As I said earlier, I found this to be the weakest one. 5/10

Episode 8: Last Of The $2 Bills

Anyways, back to Nazis for this episode and this time we've got Woton (James Olson) with the memorable eyes attacking both Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor at the beginning of the episode. Then back in Germany, he's selecting two agents to surgically alter as the Bureau of Engraving and Printing chief, Hank Miller (David Cryer) and his fiancée Maggie (Barbara Anderson). The plot of the week involving using the $2 bill in order to cripple the US government and when the plan invariably failed, the episode ended with the $2 bill being taken out of circulation. There's some good action scenes in this one, the use of a certain building last seen in Batman 66 and a moment where Steve got to save an agent from nearly being blown up. Not to mention, Etta's subplot about a $1.50 set of photos was oddly amusing. 8/10

Next blog I'll tackle the episodes Judgment From Outer Space Parts 1 and 2, Formula 407, The Bushwhackers and Wonder Woman In Hollywood.

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