Tuesday, September 03, 2024

My Review of Warlock (1989)


Written by David Twohy
Directed by Steve Miner 

Giles: "So, you fear me."
Warlock: "'Tis I who others fear."
Giles: "Not you, the magic."

The other day I watched House and last night, I thought I'd try another horror movie from Steve Miner. I went with this one, trading in haunted homes for some sorcery and it was a good choice. There was fun to be had here.

We started in 1691 Massachusetts where a witch hunter named Giles Reference (Richard E. Grant) had the titular Warlock (Julian Sands) on trial for a multitude of crimes and was about to have the Warlock executed. However the Warlock had Satan in his corner and ended up being saved at the very last minute.

Now, being saved for the Warlock meant a change of scenery. He was brought to 1989 Los Angeles and quickly took shelter with waitress Kassandra (Lori Singer) and the latter's gay roommate, Chas (Kevin O'Brien). Yay for an out gay character. Boo, that he's also the first onscreen victim of the Warlock and all because Chas had a magic ring on him.

As for Kassandra, not only did she have to deal with the death of her rooommate but she quickly got caught into both Giles and the Warlock's enmity with one another. She also had to retrieve her bracelet back in order to avoid ageing to death for a good portion of the movie.

As for the Warlock, Julian Sands does tether between being genuinely menacing (he killed an unbaptised boy for flying ointment) but he's also rather theatrical with his interactions between Giles and Kassandra. As for his defeat, it's a use of something that Kassandra needed to live but sealed the Warlock's fate.

Of course going back to Giles and Kassandra, they do make for great team with both Richard E. Grant and Lori Singer playing off each other well. It's amusing to see Giles cope with the late 20th century while also letting his guard down with Kassandra and getting justice for his late wife. They're good foils to the Warlock.

- The original idea for the movie was the Warlock going to the 20th century to avoid religious persecution, only to experience it there too. That's an idea a future remake should do.
- Witches often used the fat of children to make a flying ointment. At least this happened off screen.
- The Warlock kissed Chas in order to kill him but also showed mercy to a pastor and his wife. 
- Chronology: 1691 Massachusetts and 1989 Los Angeles.

Warlock certainly was an enjoyable movie. Some good performances from the three leads, gruesome kills (on and off screen) and a nice battle of wits between everyone here. Now on to the sequels. 

Rating: 7 out of 10 

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