Saturday, March 15, 2025

My Review of Y2K (2024)


Written by Kyle Mooney And Evan Winter
Directed by Kyle Mooney

Screenslayer V2: "We are your god!"
Laura: "Ride the information super-die-way, bitch!"

Okay, now this was definitely something I should've watched back in December but eh, whatever. I decided to watch it last night and I had some fun with this movie.

Maybe it's the fact that we're getting to that point where 90s/00s nostalgia has creeped into things or maybe it's just that this movie took an idea that's been lampooned a bit but not as good as The Simpsons did it way back when. With this movie, it's also tackled well enough.

You've got two social outcasts Eli (Jaeden Martell) and Danny (Julian Dennison) psyching themselves up for a New Year's Eve party that not only would bring in a new millennium but for Eli, it maybe had the chance of him getting his dream girl, Laura (Rachel Zegler). That's the hope at least.

Of course there would be some bullies in the form of Farkas (Eduardo Franko) and his cohorts Ash (Lachlan Watson) and CJ (Daniel Zolghadri) and Laura's obnoxious ex-boyfriend, Soccer Chris (Charlton Howard). Don't worry, the majority of these characters don't survive the movie.

In fact, because it's a short movie, it didn't take long for the party to devolve into a bloodbath when every electrical item acted up and went on a killing spree. I have to give points for some of the inventive deaths on display here. There was some good kills here as only Eli, Laura and Ash along with Fred Durst (as himself) having to save mankind from the wrath of the machines.

With these three teen protagonists, you're given some moments to deconstruct each of them. That's in between porn history on display, a bubbling romance between two of them and one of them laying out why a certain band had a profound impact in their identity. The ending was a bit with a hint of things not quite being resolved.

- Mason Gooding keeps his Scream King momentum as Laura's other (but nicer) boyfriend Jonas. He doesn't survive the film while co-writer/director, Kyle Mooney played Garrett. Alicia Silverstone was Eli's mother.
- The retro opening and closing credits were a nice touch for this movie.
- Standout music: Let's see, the likes of Thong Song, Tubthumping, Break Stuff, Back At One and Fred Durst's version of Faith.
- Chronology: 1999/2000 with filming in New Jersey.

I'm not sure what movies that critics watched because I found Y2K really enjoyable. There's some fun kills, likable enough characters, a great use of Fred Durst and a bloody good soundtrack. I had fun with this one.

Rating: 7 out of 10 

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