Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Review of My Adventures With Superman 2x01: "More Things In Heaven And Earth"


Written by M. Willis
Directed by Diana Huh 

Jor-El: "Kal-El. Clark. My boy. You have turned your power into a shield for the helpless. You have filled your life with love. You are more than I could have ever hoped for and maybe one day you will forgive me for leaving you again."

I have to admit that Season 2 had gone under the radar for me but after catching up with the first two episodes of this anime inspired version of Superman (Jack Quaid), it's nice to see the show hasn't lost any of its charm. It's still as sweet natured as before.

Time has passed and when Clark wasn't having anxiety about his nearest and dearest not accepting him not being human, he was in Valentine's Day mode. However his idea for romance was largely shot down by virtually everyone at the Daily Planet.

Meanwhile Perry decided that Valentine's Day was perfect to cancel as Vicki Vale was stealing too many scoops from from the Daily Planet. Lois was in full investigation mode with Jimmy during a trip to STAR Labs and Clark decided to investigate the mystery man stalking his dreams.

Anyways mystery man turned out to be Jor-El and when Superman wasn't getting to know his AI father, he also learned that he had a cousin named Kara and a beacon would be needed to find her. Yes, we're getting Supergirl this season. Sooner than later presumably.

As for the rest of the episode, we had Amanda Waller and Not Deathstroke raiding the Kryptonian ship for their own purposes while Lois also realised that Sam Lane was being held prisoner by Waller. That led to the awkwardness of Lois having to ask a certain favour. Yup, and Superman agreed to it as well.

- Jimmy sort of made friends with a certain Alexander, who nearly revealed his surname. As if we don't know who he is already.
- Going by Jor-El's discussion about finding Kara, we also found out that Clark is 22.
- Waller and Deathstroke had a hulking brute assisting them and Deathstroke even had a Kryptonite sword.
- Chronology: It was Valentine's Day throughout the episode.

More Things In Heaven And Earth did kick off the first half of this two part premiere off to a pretty good start. Some nice moments between the new couple, the set up for Supergirl and Waller's schemes. Now on to the second half.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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