Sunday, May 19, 2024

My Review of Superman: Unbound (2013)


Written by Bob Goodman
Directed by James Tucker

Brainiac: "To think that two Kryptonians chose to call this planet home sickens me. What could Earth have possible offered you?"
Superman: "Something you wouldn't know anything about. It's my home. My heart. It gives me strength."

As I wait for the last of the Tomorrowverse movies to come out and in preparation for Superman (2025) to come out next year, I'll be catching up with more animated movies about the Man Of Steel. 

This one for instance had Superman (Matt Bomer) dealing with the two most important women in his life. First of all, there was his cousin Supergirl (Molly Quinn) and if there was an animated movie that nicely explored their contrasting dynamic, it's probably this one.

Both cousins care for one another but also have different approaches for dealing with threats. Supergirl doesn't have the same attachment to humanity as her cousin does and when he's stuck in an office world mission, she went out of her way to almost avoid Metropolis until the chips were down.

The chips being the arrival of Brainiac (John Noble). As per usual, Brainiac was all about shrinking cities and an altercation with Superman had his focus turned to Metropolis. Brainiac's return also not only saw Superman and Supergirl band together to form a force against Brainiac but for the latter, it was a chance for the latter get back a family she thougut had been taken away from her.

As a villain, I do think this movie gave a solid depiction of Brainiac, showing once again just how powerful and antagonist he can be for the heroic Kryptonian. It's also helped by the fact that he's the only villain that's in the movie with a certain billionaire nowhere to be seen for a change. 

As for Superman and Lois Lane (Stana Katic), we did have the two fight over the latter taking risks along with the latter also mobilising the Daily Planet against Brainiac's minions. However things ended up on a more joyful note as Clark Kent proposed to Lois. Of course she said yes.

- A credit scene implied that Brainiac still had some power left while being imprisoned at the Fortress of Solitude.
- Steve Lombard when he wasn't hitting on Lois implied that he thought Clark was gay, Jimmy certainly admired Supergirl and Perry became a grandfather. 
- Supergirl's scenes with Martha and Superman's scenes with Alura and Zor-El were sweet.
- Chronology: Present day Metropolis. 

Superman: Unbound was a nice team up movie between two cousins and a villain who needs to make his way to the big screen, live action wise. Nice character bits, good action sequences and a bit of romance. What's not to like?

Rating: 8 out of 10 

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