Monday, May 27, 2024

My Review of Superman: Brainiac Attacks (2006)


Written by Christopher Simmons And Duane Capizzi
Directed by Curt Geda

Clark: "What is it, Lois?"
Lois: "For a moment, you... reminded me of someone I know, that's all."

Being on something of a Superman role, I ended up watching this movie from Superman: The Animated Series. It's also the second animated one in the last week I've watched featuring a certain villain.

The villain in question being Brainiac (Lance Henriksen) posing yet another threat for Superman (Tim Daly) and of course being paired with Lex Luthor (Powers Boothe) and it's a fun story of sorts.

For instance, Lex Luthor has something of a character change here. Instead of the cold and calculated version we had in the animated show, this version's more playful and seems to be using right hand woman, Mercy Graves (Tara Strong) as a sounding board throughout the movie. 

As for Lex and Brainiac, their scheme involved getting rid of Superman and then Lex making himself looking the hero for the citizens of Metropolis. Needless to say, the pair end up betraying one another and Lex needed Superman to save the day, while trying to sidestep his own involvement in Brainiac's scheming.

Along with that, we also had Superman venturing into the Phantom Zone for answers while the romantic tension between Clark and Lois Lane (Dana Delany) also came to a head. Lois did spend a lot of the movie as a victim of poisoning but when she wasn't hospital bound, there was plenty of solid scenes with her and Clark/Superman.

As for Clark, he considered quitting the Daily Planet before ultimately changing his mind while Jimmy Olsen (David Kaufman) had his own subplot with Mercy that showed he had a thing for bad girls. As for Perry, he was largely exasperated by most of his staff while also deducing that Clark has feelings for Lois. Other than that, he didn't do much here.

- Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves and Brainiac were all voiced by different actors compared to the animated series.
- The last scene of the movie teased Mister Mxyzptlk with Lois racing off to get the scoop.
- Though we see no other heroes in this one, at least we got a mention of Green Lantern.
- Chronology: An undisclosed time since the end of the animated series.

Superman: Brainiac Attacks does a good job of staying within the DCAU continuity but in most regards, it's not treading anything too new with either Lex or Brainiac. It's fun though not the strongest animated movie. 

Rating: 7 out of 10 

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