Saturday, August 10, 2024

Wonder Woman - Episodes 22-25 Reviews

In this batch of episodes, you've got volcanoes, a new title sequence, mind stealers, androids and Christmas.

Episode 22: The Man Who Made Volcanoes

For some reason, the show decided to change it's opening credits. I mean we're not even halfway through this second season and it's an odd decision to make. The new credits are nice though but it's not like this episode feels like an opener or a new jumping on point for the show. The main plot did involve a scientist named Arthur Chapman (Roddy McDowell) who has the ability to make volcanoes erupt. He's intended to use that for his own evil plans and it's a team of Wonder Woman along with Chinese and Soviet agents to stop his scheme. There's a job promotion for Steve Trevor Jr in this one, which does reduce his screentume a bit as well as anything exit for Norman Burton's Joe Atkinson. 6/10

Episode 23: Mind Stealers From Outer Space: Part 1 

Our only two part story of the second season and it's another spacey one. I mean the opening scene has Diana communicating with a ship via astral projection and if you enjoyed Andros from the first season, you might like his son in this one. He's also called Andros (Daak Rambo) and he's on the hunt for the mind stealing Skrills (not Skrills, Marvel fans). They're also out to get him but when they were possessing a teenage brother and sister, they also realised that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman. The cliffhanger for this first part ended on the note of the Skrills main muscle coming very close to taking out Diana. 7/10

Episode 24: Mind Stealers From Outer Space: Part 2

The second half of this two parter had some great moments. Possessed twins on the rampage, the Skrills nearly taking over a peace meeting and of course, more astral projection communication between Diana and Andros's people. Speaking of Andros, he did succumb to the Skrills at one point during the episode while also making it clear that he had romantic designs on Wonder Woman himself. Although Wonder Woman chose to protect Earth and not go to the stars with Andros, the end of the episode made it very clear that she was at least tempted by the prospect. I have to also give the episode points for the delightfully snarky interaction between Diana and IRAC computer. The latter definitely knew of her other identity. 8/10

Episode 25: The Deadly Toys

As a massive Doctor Who fan, there was something about this episode that reminded me of the likes of Spearhead From Space, Terror Of The Autons and The Android Invasion. I'm not saying this episode specifically ripped off those stories, just that I saw elements of them in this one. On top of that, you've got the Riddler from Batman 66 as the sinister Toyman and even an android version of Wonder Woman in the mix as well as a treacherous friend of Steve's named Dex (John Rubenstein) in the mix. Oh and a dash of Christmas in the mix. Mostly a good episode. 7/10

In the next blog, I'll tackle the episodes Light-fingered Lady, Screaming Javelin, Diana's Disappearing Act, Death In Disguise and IRAC Is Missing.

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