Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wonder Woman - Episodes 31-35 Reviews

For the final batch of episodes for the second season, we had sabotage test flights, seances, an inept would be inventor, a young girl with powers and a town with dodgy residents.

Episode 31: Flight Into Oblivion

If you missed the military look Diana had in the first season, then this episode mainly had her in that attire. Mainly because she was posing as a photographer at an airbase where various workers were being hypnotised into sabotaging an important. There's an amusing subplot with Diana having to photograph a rock band with the lead singer taking a shine to Diana. As for Steve, he does get a moment to get in on the action but the latter half of the season really has relegated him to desk duty. 6/10

Episode 32: Seance Of Terror 

I liked this one. You had a young boy named Matthew (Todd Lookinland) who had supernatural gifts that his exploitative uncle (Rick Jason) and aunt (Kres Mersky) were more than happy to use to their advantage. They got Matthew to target certain people in power who've lost loved in order to take part in a seance and even Diana's determination to expose them got her taken off the case. I did like IRAC and Rover choosing to "help" Wonder Woman while Diana donned a civilian disguise to get to Matthew. Matthew's abilities were neatly shown (photos of ghosts, telekinesis) along with Diana getting her vacation thanks to Steve and Rover by the end of the episode. 8/10

Episode 33: The Man Who Wouldn't Tell

For this episode, you've got a protagonist that's a bumbling janitor, a master of disguise, an unlikely ladies man and oh yes, a bloke who inadvertently managed to create a powerful explosive. He's also called Alan (Gary Burghoff) with a long suffering girlfriend and had a massive target on his back, due to that explosive creation of his. Luckily for him, he also had Wonder Woman on his side and by the end of the episode, he made the effort to be a better man. 6/10

Episode 34: The Girl From Ilandia

The penultimate episode of the season and in some respects, I wish the order had been swapped. Personally I think this would've made for a better finale than the one we get for this season. It's also a backdoor pilot for a spin off that never got off the ground. Wonder Woman finds herself having to protect a young girl named Tina/Amadonna (Julie Anne Haddock) from the sinister Bleaker (Allan Arbus). Tina's powers aren't dissimilar to Diana's but her desperation to return to her own home, which she wasn't able to do did give the episode a bittersweet outcome. Add in a cute dog that Tina befriended and this was a great episode. 8/10

Episode 35: The Murderous Missile

The second season ends on something of an okay note. I know this wasn't a time where finales weren't always written to be events but I definitely would've put the previous episode as the finale over this one. It's an okay enough episode with Diana investigating a small town where the baddies have taken over and there's an attempt to use a missile for one villain's gain. Diana does get some assistance from petty criminal Mac (Steve Inwood) to save the day and there's the display of her motorcross costume but overall, it's very average. 6/10

Next blog, I start the third and final season by delving into the episodes My Teenage Idol Is Missing, Hot Wheels, The Deadly Sting and The Fine Art Of Crime.

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