Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wonder Woman - Episodes 26-30 Reviews

For this batch of episodes, we've got Diana the undercover thief, kidnapped athletes, a magic act, cross dressing assasins and more computers to boot.

Episode 26: Light-fingered Lady

First of all, if you missed having another woman in the main cast aside from the title character herself. This episode introduced Saundra Sharp as Eve Welch, a co-worker of Diana and Steve's. The main plot involved Diana going undercover as an expert thief in order to infiltrate a burglar ring. During this plot we also got to see Diana work her charms on dogs by being able to telepathically communicate with them. Oh and there's the return of the wetsuit. A fairly so-so episode. 6/10

Episode 27: Screaming Javelin 

Okay, if there an award for one of the most evil and campest of guest baddies, then Mariposa (Henry Gibson) would certainly be a contender for it. A power mad ruler of a fictional micronation, Mariposa's great scheme involved kidnapping Olympic athletes for his own means and he's mostly successfulat it. He's also got a previous grudge with Diana Prince and has her kidnapped too before his grand plot falls apart at the last minute. There's also an amusing subplot where IRAC made it clear that he was aware of Diana's identity. I've grown to enjoy that snarky supercomputer during this season. 7/10

Episode 28: Diana's Disappearing Act 

With the amount of magic that surrounds Wonder Woman as a character in the comics, it's kind of a shame that none of her magical villains ever made it to the show. There's a character in this one called Morgana but it's not that character. Instead there's a scheming magician called Count Cagliostro (Dick Gautier) with designs of turning lead into gold but at least Wonder Woman had an ally in aspiring magician, Harold Farnam (Ed Begley Jr) to help her defeat Cagliostro. It's a very enjoyable episode with an assortment of characters as well as the use of mine to absuct a scientist at one point. 7/10

Episode 29: Death In Disguise 

Out of the batch of episodes I've watched for the blog, this one by far would be my favourite. It's my favourite for two very different guest actors. First of all, you've got George Chakiris as the lothario industrialist Carlo Indrezzano. The guy shamelessly flirts with Diana during every scene they have, gets bound and gagged by hitmen after Diana, was surprised when rescued by Wonder Woman, knocked out by the other highlight of the episode and can't give a diamond away. Then there's Charles Pierce as cross dressing hitman, Starker. He poses as two different women within the episode, wanted Diana to be taken out before doing anything and also wanted to extract information from IRAC and nearly got away with it. Both characters are such fun to watch for different reasons. Add in a disgruntled/dyslexic former hitwoman and some other characters and this was a delightful episode. 8/10

Episode 30: IRAC Is Missing

A highlight in this second season has been the addition of IRAC the supercomputer. A character so great they outlasted Joe Atkinson and seems to have gotten more screen time than Steve Trevor in the last few episodes. This episode was their moment to shine as we had the villain of the week, William Havitol (Ross Martin) go to great lengths in order to steal IRAC with Diana having to work with both Rover (a new recurring robotic character) and CORI in order to save poor IRAC. Havitol seems to be a nit of a master of disguise and Diana basically had no problem revealing her identity to the computer/robot characters in this episode. 7/10

Next blog I'll wrap up the second season by tackling Flight Into Oblivion, Seance Of Terror, The Man Who Wouldn't Tell, The Girl From Ilandia and The Murderous Missile.

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